Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan in partnership with the UN Women, WBG, and EBRD joins efforts to promote gender equality
13 March 2025
Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 13th of March 2025 - at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dushanbe, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Agency for Stocks and Special Registration of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan together with the UN Women, International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) held an event within the framework of the global initiative ‘Ring the Bell for Gender Equality’ in Tajikistan under the title ‘Gender Equality and Empowerment: A Modern Perspective on Development’.
This initiative aims to focus global attention on the prospects for developing gender inclusiveness and supporting gender equality in the context of sustainable development goals and ESG principles.
This year marks the third Ring the Bell for Gender Equality event in Tajikistan, which brings together representatives of government agencies, the financial sector, businesses and international organisations to discuss the role of women in the economy. Participants include the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank of Tajikistan, the Committee on Women and Family Affairs, the Agency for Innovation and Digital Technologies, embassies, the private sector and others.
In his welcoming speech, Yusuf Majidi, First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, said: “We are proud of our efforts to promote gender equality and will continue to work towards an inclusive society We are confident that women's participation in the economy not only increases the resilience of financial systems, but also contributes significantly to the development of innovation and entrepreneurship.”
“This year’s campaign reaffirms our commitment to advancing women’s and girls’ rights, promoting gender equality, and empowerment," said Ms. Parvathy Ramaswami, UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan. "Together, we can ensure that women are not only included but are leading the charge for a more sustainable and equitable future.” She further said that "our collective actions are aimed at creating equal opportunities for women and girls in Tajikistan."
Ozan Sevimli, the World Bank Group Country Manager for Tajikistan, noted: “At the World Bank Group, we recognize that our mission to eradicate poverty on a livable planet is not possible if half of the population remains without access to opportunity. Research has consistently shown that removing gender barriers contributes to economic growth, reduces poverty, strengthens social cohesion, and improves the well-being of current and future generations.”
A significant moment of the event was the award ceremony for the contribution to the development of gender equality, protection and creation of favorable conditions for women in business.
As noted by Nigina Abdurahmozoda, Director of Agency for Stocks and Special Registration of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan: “We intend to hold this event annually, so we plan to introduce a tradition of annual awards to recognize the real contribution and results in promoting gender equality in Tajikistan.”
During the panel discussion on ‘Innovation, Technology, Leadership: Women's Empowerment’, participants discussed existing programs to support women entrepreneurs, the role of public policy in achieving gender equality, the development of innovative tools for women's economic empowerment, and inspiring stories from female participants about overcoming stereotypes, resilience and development.
About Ring the Bell for Gender Equality
The Ring the Bell for Gender Equality series of annual events was first launched in 2015 with the participation of 7 exchanges and was held under the auspices of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (UN SSE). This action is traditionally supported worldwide by organizations such as the International Finance Corporation (IFC), UN Women, the UN Global Compact and the World Federation of Exchanges in collaboration with exchanges around the world. It aims at the full and equal participation of women and men in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building an inclusive society.
About the World Bank Group
The World Bank Group, with 189 member countries, is an international financial institution dedicated to ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity on a livable planet. It works in areas such as education, health, infrastructure, private sector development, agriculture climate change, and others. Learn more:
About UN Women
UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. For more information, please, visit:
UN Women video on Ring the Bell for Gender Equality:
About EBRD
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is an international financial institution founded in 1991 to create a new post-Cold War era in central and eastern Europe. We are now doing more than ever before - across three continents - to further progress towards ‘market-oriented economies and the promotion of private and entrepreneurial initiative’. In Tajikistan EBRD has invested more than 1 billion through 183 projects. Learn more:
For further details, please contact: Davroni Davronzoda, UN Women Tajikistan, National Communication Consultant. E-mail: