Speech of the UN Resident Coordinator on 30th anniversary of UN's presence in Tajikistan
Speech the United Nations Resident Coordinator on 30th anniversary of cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the United Nations
Mr Farhod Salim, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Today is a special day for the United Nations in Tajikistan. We have reached yet another milestone in our long partnership with the Government and the people of Tajikistan.
Thirty years ago, the UN opened its UN Mission of Observers office and UNHCHR in Tajikistan.
UN’s support to Tajikistan started with a humanitarian mission led by UNHCR to repatriate Tajiks who had taken refuge in Northern Afghanistan. UNMOT, UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, and UNDP were among the UN Agencies that remained in Tajikistan during the civil war to assist the people. Also 31 years ago on 2 March, Tajikistan joined the UN.
The UN peacekeeping mission in Tajikistan carried out their duties facing grave danger and risks. On 21 July 1998, three UN personnel and a Tajik translator lost their lives in the line of duty. We honor them in memory and recognition of their service to peace in Tajikistan.
Coming out of a long and brutal civil war, Tajikistan faced multiple challenges. The resilience and indomitable spirit of Tajik citizens made it possible for the country to overcome these challenges and since the war, the country has made major strides in improving its standards of living.
I am proud that the UN has been working hand in hand with the national partners to help Tajikistan realize its national development aspirations. Over the years, the nature of UN’s cooperation with Tajikistan has also evolved reflecting the needs and priorities of the country.
The UN started out with help to mediate and establish peace. Programmes initially focused on humanitarian aid, reconstruction and recovery in the aftermath of the civil war. Over time they were replaced by long-term development assistance.
Today, we have reached a new era. The era of “cooperation” versus “assistance.” And what better way to demonstrate this much more mature and elevated partnership than Tajikistan’s role in the global water agenda.
Recognizing the importance of water for peace and development, Tajikistan has not only made water a national priority but also successfully advocated all 193 UN member states for it to become a global priority. The High-Level Water Conferences in Dushanbe in support of the UN Decade for Action on Water, the forthcoming UN Water Conference in New York, and the UN General Assembly Declaration to mark 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers are some landmark moments. As a responsible and committed Member State, Tajikistan is certainly doing it share to make the world a more peaceful, sustainable and prosperous place for all of us.
But, let me now get back to what the UN has done over the 30 years and what it continues to implement. You will agree with me that I cannot provide you an exhaustive list. Let me just give you a flavor. Through our photo exhibition you will shortly be able to get a better feel of the UN in Action in Tajikistan. I invite you also to visit our website for more details.
Between 2005 and 2022, UN Agencies provided more than 1 billion USD in development assistance. Our programmes cover a spectrum of sectors and topics. The type of assistance ranges from upstream policy development to capacity development of institutions to direct services and aid to the population.
Demining and eradicating malaria, improving the quality and access to education and health services, implementing modern agricultural practices, providing access to water and sanitation, improving food security and nutrition, reducing maternal and child mortality are some of the many results we have delivered with our partners.
Building and rehabilitating rural infrastructure and implementing food-for-work programmes have created livelihoods for thousands of people.
Supporting small enterprises and helping people acquire skills and competencies are contributing to the growth of the private sector and improving the employability of young people.
Fighting domestic violence and gender-based discrimination; promoting the protection of vulnerable population groups; ensuring the rights of refugees, stateless people and migrants are safeguarded; providing free legal aid to those who need it – have been among our priorities in programming.
Building capacities for disaster risk reduction and disaster management, as well as fighting the effects of climate change cut across all our work.
Strengthening national planning and financing frameworks is helping Tajikistan deploy more resources for the Sustainable Development Goals.
At the regional level, the UN continues to promote cross-border cooperation to prevent the movement of illicit goods and people, as well as to encourage increased connectivity for trade and economic growth.
Our focus has always been to give voice to those who are left behind: children, refugees, rural women, people living with disabilities, those with HIV/AIDS, young people, especially girls – anyone and everyone who needs to be counted and whose voice needs to count.
In June 2022, we signed our new Cooperation Framework to cover the years 2023-2026 with the Government of Tajikistan. We aim to deliver close to 370 million USD in development funding during this period. There are 21 UN Agencies including 8 non-resident agencies providing support in Tajikistan. We have 494 staff on the ground of which 90% are Tajik nationals.
A very warm thank you to all our partners, starting with national, regional and local governments, with whom we not only share responsibility for our results but also bread and tea when the time allows it. A very strong thank you to civil society, including journalists, advocates and others – either as wise advisors or as service-providers, especially in areas and to vulnerable groups beyond our reach. A very special thanks goes to our many donors, who not only fund our programmes but have proven time and again to be real development partners who share our commitment to the UN’s charter, norms and standards.
The UN exists and works with you – thank you!
Now, this part of my speech is going to be a bit corny and resemble the Oscars. Please bear with me.
On 16 March, I depart Tajikistan and the United Nations to join the ranks of retirees. After 28 years of service to peace and prosperity in the world, I will go back home to Türkiye. I cannot leave without a few personal words of gratitude.
I would like to thank my mother, Bülbün Kantemir. She has been my rock and my north star. I don’t think I have met a stronger and wiser person. Her love and wisdom have always given me strength, direction and a sense of purpose. I thank her from the bottom of my heart.
I would like thank my daughter, Sila Barlas, who was 2 years old when I joined the UN. The UN is a demanding employer. We serve the people of the world. What else can you expect? Throughout the 28 years that I have been in this job, she has been patient and understanding of me when I prioritized other children over her; when I travelled for days on end on missions across the world; when I evacuated her to protect her from a revolution; when she became sick with diseases that are avoidable but not so in the countries that I worked in. And much much more. She is my other rock and my friend. I thank her from the bottom of my heart.
There have been many many others on this journey. I cannot list or do justice to all of them but would like to highlight a few:
First, my dear Kyrgyz sister, Boldukan – a sister and mother to us for 15 years in 5 countries.
My amazingly warm, hardworking, competent and very committed colleagues in the Resident Coordinators’ Office; my extremely professional, strong, able and committed members of the UN Country Team and their staff across the agencies. It has been a privilege and honor to know and work with all of you.
And finally of course, the people of Tajikistan and all of you in this hall. It’s been a wonderful journey. This beautiful country and you are all etched in my heart. Thank you for being there with me and for me.
I wish you all the best.