United Nations in Tajikistan Annual Results Report 2020

The United Nations in Tajikistan thanks national development partners, as well as the international community for the strategic partnerships that led to the results presented in this 2020 annual results report.
During 2020 the UN adjusted its focus to quickly pivot and support the government’s response to COVID-19 by strengthening the availability of expertise in areas such as COVID-19 infection, prevention, and control management, health care system strengthening, macro-economic policy, food systems strengthening, gender-based violence protection and prevention and youth engagement.
At the same time, focus on national development priorities and the sustainable development goals continued, and important results were achieved by the UN in close cooperation with partners under relevant areas of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2016-2022.
Read the full report here: https://www.untj.org/2020annualreport/