Gender Assessment of National HIV Response

The gender assessment of the national response to the HIV epidemic in the Republic of Tajikistan was conducted by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), in close collaboration with the Tajikistan Network of Women Living with HIV. The assessment was carried out by M. Boltaeva, in consultation with experts specializing in HIV and gender equality. The analysis presented in this Gender Assessment Report does not constitute, imply, or express any endorsement, position, or support by UNAIDS, its mandate, or its co-sponsors, member states,
or civil society. The content of the analysis has not been independently verified. UNAIDS makes no representations, promises, or warranties regarding the completeness or accuracy of the case study content and expressly disclaims any liability for errors or omissions therein.