Tajikistan marks World Food Day 2022
24 October 2022
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute (SIFI) joined their efforts to celebrate World Food Day in Tajikistan to call for solidarity and joint actions to transform agri-food system.

The World Food Day 2022 (WFD) festival was organised under the slogan "Leave No One behind – better production, better nutrition, better environment, better life". The festival gathered up to 300 participants including government representatives, ambassadors, international and local NGO partners and civil society. WFD 2022 addresses inequalities and vulnerabilities in food that leave people behind and undermine the potential of individuals. It targets the groups that cannot afford healthy diets, which puts them at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition.

The festival compiled pavilions, master classes on a healthy and nutritious diet, theatrical performances and a photo exhibition dedicated to the main theme of the WFD. The event also showcased effective technologies and best practices in the agriculture sector. It highlighted the commitment to tackle inclusive and sustainable agri-food systems to ensure healthy, balanced and nutritious diets for all. During the event, the Government of Tajikistan, FAO and WFP underlined the shared responsibility of the global community to address the causes of hunger and malnutrition to ensure a healthy and balanced diet for all.
This year, organising agencies specifically highlight young people's role as the future change-makers who can build a better, more sustainable future. Different youth groups were engaged to WFD 2022 celebration as volunteers, participants and performers. Moreover, the festival incorporated an informative and entertaining zone for children. It included a photo zone with their favourite vegetables, insightful quizzes on healthy eating habits and interactive performance to underline the importance of a nutritious diet from early childhood.
In just two years, the number of acutely food insecure people has risen from 135 million to 193 million, and 2022 is likely to prove worse. According to the FAO and WFP Hunger Hotspots report, 820 million people live in famine conditions – more than five times as many as in 2020. Conflict, economic slowdowns, the climate crisis and environmental degradation, are major drivers of global hunger. The effects of COVID-19 have disrupted supply chains and limited people's ability to earn a living.
Collective action across 150 countries worldwide is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated UN days on the UN calendar. Governments, the private sector, academia, youth, civil society and individuals need to work together in solidarity to prioritise the right of all people to food, nutrition, peace and equality. Everyone can work towards an inclusive and sustainable future, showing greater empathy and kindness in our actions. It is time to work together and create a better, more sustainable future for all.